viernes, 16 de julio de 2021

Post 10

Hello my dear bilingual readers, today I will tell you about some reflections.

This year has been very good for me in all areas. Although it is obvious that not every day is good as Bad Bunny would say "one day good, the other bad. That's life and that will not change", but I have grown a lot as a person and future architect.

I see my surroundings with the eyes of an architect, something that was very difficult a few months ago.


Writing these blogs is a great therapy, it helps me to talk about what I like, my point of view. And it's nice to have these instances to share with others things that perhaps I would never talk about in person. What I like most about blogging is the interaction that is created, responding and commenting on the blogs of other partners and at the same time getting to know them a little more.


As for my achievements, this year I was able to improve my grades and understand many new things. In addition, I met (virtually) new people from the university that I had never spoken to before. I have many goals for the rest of the year, and also many dreams to accomplish.


Talking about things that haven't worked out so well, maybe balancing the univesity life with personal life. A lot of times we put aside some things because of the time consuming nature of university. Such as hobbies, friends, family, among other important things.


Finally, I would like to thank all the people who read my blog and comment.


That's all my dear bilingual readers.

viernes, 2 de julio de 2021

Post 8

 Hello my dear bilingual readers, today I will tell you about my favorite subject.

It was a bit difficult to choose because I really like subjects that have to do with numbers, but so far, my favorite subject is "morphology, structure and materialization", although I still don't quite understand the subject.

I like the subject because it is very didactic and includes my love/hate for numbers.

What we do in class (unfortunately online) is understanding the theory to calculate structural elements, choose materials, joints, among other things. In addition, we do a lot of works where we have to cover all the variables required to build from a design. 

The main contents are divided into 3 areas:

1. Morphology: everything that has to see with the shape of a building/housing/construction.

2. Structure: corresponds to the skeleton of the construction, and here, we calculate beams, pillars, walls and diagonals, among other things.

Materialization: corresponds to the material that will be used in the construction, since there are many materials in the market and each material has different characteristics and particularities.

Today was the final test, it lasted 5 hours, but it was as if only 30 minutes had passed. 

viernes, 18 de junio de 2021

Post 7: Eileen Gray.


Hello my dear bilingual readers, today I will talk to you about one of my favorite architects and references: Eileen Gray.

Born on August 9, 1878 in Ireland, she was an artist, furniture designer, interior designer and architect. She was one of the great (and few) women recognized for her various artistic works.

She was a great designer and architect internationally recognized for her industrial designs. Her designs were focused on ergonomics and at the same time combined with the built space.

A great example of her work is one of her own houses called "Tempe á Pailla", located in the french town of Castellar. Which is focused on the author's self-exploration of the modern movement that was occurring at the time, it was also adjusted to the individual life.

The house "E. 1027" is also a great example. A summer residence that she shared with her partner, the name of the house is related to their names.  It was a space where the furniture itself was part of the architecture of the house.  Something interesting about this project, is that Eileen Gray had to leave because one of the great architects (Le Corbusier) stalked her and against her will she painted 8 murals there.

I like her because she was one of my first references in the world of architecture. In addition, I was very struck by the fact that she herself designed both the architecture of their spaces and the interior design they had

viernes, 4 de junio de 2021

Post 6: TOP 5

 Hello my dear bilingual readers. Today I will tell you my TOP 5 TIMES WHEN I ALMOST DIED

I want to start by mentioning that I did not try this at home and that everything related in the following lines has a tragicomic approach but it is all real.

I remember in 2015 I was invited to a party out of town, the terrace of the house was completely glazed. And as you might guess, it was dark. I collided directly with the glass door, thinking it was open. I went through the door and cut part of my hand. Since we were out of town, they couldn't call an ambulance, so they took me in one of the house cars. I thought I was going to "the other side".

I think that same year I realized that I was allergic to a fruit, the kiwi. I remember helping out at a fast food place where they prepared chopped fruit for dessert. They added whipped cream, different flavored sauces and ice cream. They gave me one of the fruit cups, among them was my arch nemesis (whom I didn't know yet). A few minutes after eating the kiwi I started to feel sick. That day I discovered that I have a food allergy called "anaphylaxis". I went back to believing that this was my last wi.

A few years went by and death breathed down my neck again. I was in 12th grade and for the school anniversary a party was organized. All my friends were dancing with me, when suddenly I fell to the ground knockout. They had thrown a shoe to the sky, and among all the people who were there, it fell on me, like a Gps looking for an address, straight to my face. I thought about, if I had realized all my dreams and goals, and the answer was no. I had not. So I opened my eyes with a new opportunity to live. And like a "bichota" I left the dance floor on a stretcher. Unforgettable.

Recently, just on a blog Friday (which obviously I had not yet written because I always like to work against time) my aunt invited me to the center. We left early in the morning, the car's technical inspection (aka the tank from here on) had been rejected because of the tinted glass. We decided to park the tank first in line. As most things had gone wrong for us during the day we decided to go back to the house. We were about to climb into the tank when a giant truck drags the tank a few meters away. The one above is fond of us.

And to finish my top, I will relate the time I almost died trying to get through a semester of college. As you, my dear readers, know, a semester of college can be the best or worst of your college career, I had the worst. I was left in some classes with professors that I didn't really understand no matter how hard I tried to learn and also with "professors" that didn't know about educational techniques. But as you are reading this, you can assume that I got through it, and the most important message is not to give up because things will always work out along the way, besides, if I didn't continue as I could say in the future "go to the mall and exploit my card".

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2021



Hello dear readers. Today I will write about my favorite photograph. I had a hard time choosing one photograph of the many that I have saved, which I like very much.

In it appears one of my cousins (who is like my brother), his name is Felipe, but we call him Tommy with of affection. Whenever we have good news or good things happen we do different activities with my family, in this case we went a few days ago to a famous restaurant in Ovalle called "Riquísimo", we waited a long time at the entrance for a table to be vacated.

The picture was taken by my cousin Javiera when the plate with french fries arrived to him, I can be seen in the background. It was very strange, we thought they had ordered the wrong table because it was too much food for him and they had only ordered a "medium" portion. In the end, he was so happy that he kept the plate.

What I like about it the most is the energy he transmits, I hadn't seen the photo in my gallery until we finished eating. When I saw it, I laughed so hard I forgot my backpack in the restaurant


viernes, 14 de mayo de 2021

Post 4 "My favorite Movie"

 Hello dear readers, sorry to disappoint you with my favorite movie, it's "How I fell for their lies" LOL a little joke. Well, my favorite movie is "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", and actually any christmas movie I like a lot because the plot is always that christmas is ruined and in the end everything is fixed. I wish I could apply it to my daily life, that is, when things don't work out and in the end you can always rescue something good from the bad.

The movies I like to watch are usually the Disney classics although I almost never watch movies, I like to watch series especially those related to biology such as "Cells at work", "the Good Doctor" or "Greys Anatomy" (which is trendy).

The last movie I saw was "Shrek 1". I have seen it many times and every time I watch it I notice more and more details, it is a classic that everyone should see at least once, 10/10. And actually I recommend any of the Shrek saga where the Shrek babies appear.



I read them, xoxo.

viernes, 30 de abril de 2021


 I think it's pretty hard to decide on just one technological device because we are enclosed by them all day long. We wake up using an alarm clock, we prepare food with technological devices like kettle and microwave, we educate ourselves with technologies like cell phone and computer (among others) and we spend our free time watching TV or playing video games.

But I have to assume that my favorite piece of technology (after much thought) is the cell phone because I spend all day connected to it, it allows me to connect to my classes, chat and write to my friends through different social networks, watch tiktok (which lately I am very addicted because there is a lot of diverse content) and an infinite number of uses that can be given to it.

The cell phone I currently use I have it since September 2020, is a Xiami Redmi note 9 and mainly I got it as a gift to take better pictures of my plans, which at that time we were drawing by hand.

My life without my cell phone would be quite tragic because it solves a lot of day to day situations for me, like doing a quick calculation, checking the calendar, write the grocery list, checking my bank accounts and google (there is always something to look for).

I use it every day, all day hahaha.

note: this advertisement is not paid for by Xiaomi.

Post 10

Hello my dear bilingual readers, today I will tell you about some reflections. This year has been very good for me in all areas. Although ...