jueves, 15 de abril de 2021



Hello everyone, my name is Nicole Monroy, my friends and family affectionately call me “Nikito”, although they always think that I am a man and my name is Nicolás. I am 19 years old; I was born on July 16, 2001 (which by the way is always a holiday). I am Chilean and I live in a city called Ovalle that belongs to the Fourth Region of Chile.

When I was little I went to a kindergarden called "Carita de Angel". It was very close to my house and I really didn't like to go, I preferred to stay at home playing. I grew up and they enrolled me in a school called "San Viator", I was there for 12 years until, in 2019, between protest march and social upheaval, I graduated with Academic Excellence. I never liked school, but I did like to learn. I am currently in the second year of Architecture at the “Universidad de Chile”. I really like my career, although sometimes it is “architorture”, the most hardest thing is not knowing my classmates and not having a university life outside of pijama and zoom.

To tell more about my life, I will tell you about my family, my dear mother and brothers (Sebastian and Emil) have lived in Sykkylven, Norway for many years. The city where they live is very beautiful and the people are very friendly (and also with the environment), I would like to live with them in the future. My dad lives in the same city as me with my sister (Francisca). As for me, I lived most of my life with my grandparents, aunt and cousin (her name is Javiera and she is like my sister), whom I love very much, although due to circumstances I live in another house now. I visit them every week.

Despite being only 19 years old, I have traveled to many places and especially to see my mother who is far away, I miss her a lot. It is a great challenge to travel to other places without speak a fluent English, but I have managed. This year I had planned to travel to Norway, but the frontiers were closed in February

One of my biggest hobbies is cooking, I have a notebook with many of the recipes that I prepare for the people I love. I'm always watching cooking shows. One of my favorite shows is "Master Chef". I like it because they cook in different parts of the world. Although I always see the same season HAHAHA. In this quarantine I have learned to make cakes of different flavors. They were ugly at first, but now they are tasty.

I don't have pets, but I have 2 plants in my garden, one is Mint and the other is Basil. I would like to have many more, but it is a very big responsibility. I am a great "barwoman". In summer, we are used to drinking lemonades and mojitos with my mint and Ovalle lemons, which by the way are very juicy.

I hope I have told you a little about myself, I am very happy to know about you.

8 comentarios:

  1. Hi Nicole! I hope you are well.

    I send you a little bit of encouragement for your semester. I don't know what it must feel like not knowing your classmates I imagine it must be very difficult. But I hope that when the quarantine is over and you can get to know each other it will be a good thing and you will get along well.

    1. hiii Susan, by the way, this summer I met a classmate, she is with us in English 3, her name is Giselle.
      Have a nice day :))))

  2. Hi Nikto, after the quarantine and when we can go to the campus I need to taste your cakes so if you sell lemon pie at FAU I'm gonna be your best client, by far jajaja

    1. Hi Renato, I know we have many friends in common, I hope to see you soon at FAU and having time to cook cakes and make architectural models, but it would be a pleasure to cook lemon pie.
      Greetings ;)))

  3. Hi my dear Nikito, I hope you're well.
    I know your story very closely, and I know how difficult it's for you not to be able to see your mom and siblings constantly, but dear friend, you're not alone and you never will be. All around you, you have so many people who love and adore you just the way you are. Besides, you have me ah JAJAJAJ. I hope with all my heart that the pandemic situation gets better and you can visit your mom, I know it would do you a lot of good and I'm sure she would be very happy to see you.
    I have it very clear that you're a great Barwoman, you're an expert at making mojitos JAJAJAJAJAJ, I was lucky enough to try them when you visited me and 10/10.
    I love you so much my friend, thank you for your beautiful friendship. <3<3

    1. My dear friend, thank you for your nice words, I cried when I wrote about my mommy.

  4. Nikito, I am sorry that you were not able to visit your mother, I hope the pandemic is over soon and we can see our loved ones without restrictions.


Post 10

Hello my dear bilingual readers, today I will tell you about some reflections. This year has been very good for me in all areas. Although ...