viernes, 16 de julio de 2021

Post 10

Hello my dear bilingual readers, today I will tell you about some reflections.

This year has been very good for me in all areas. Although it is obvious that not every day is good as Bad Bunny would say "one day good, the other bad. That's life and that will not change", but I have grown a lot as a person and future architect.

I see my surroundings with the eyes of an architect, something that was very difficult a few months ago.


Writing these blogs is a great therapy, it helps me to talk about what I like, my point of view. And it's nice to have these instances to share with others things that perhaps I would never talk about in person. What I like most about blogging is the interaction that is created, responding and commenting on the blogs of other partners and at the same time getting to know them a little more.


As for my achievements, this year I was able to improve my grades and understand many new things. In addition, I met (virtually) new people from the university that I had never spoken to before. I have many goals for the rest of the year, and also many dreams to accomplish.


Talking about things that haven't worked out so well, maybe balancing the univesity life with personal life. A lot of times we put aside some things because of the time consuming nature of university. Such as hobbies, friends, family, among other important things.


Finally, I would like to thank all the people who read my blog and comment.


That's all my dear bilingual readers.

1 comentario:

  1. I think you express yourself in a very positive way and that makes me happy, I think I became the opposite. I think your way of thinking and what you want to achieve can help you move forward, I hope you keep it up, take care, bye.


Post 10

Hello my dear bilingual readers, today I will tell you about some reflections. This year has been very good for me in all areas. Although ...